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Lifepod is a group of nine individuals, families, businesses, organizations, churches, and more; who have taken up the call to become connected to each other for the sake of one.


If you join Life9 and your Lifepod isn’t yet complete, that’s okay. Gaining stable support partners takes time, and we encourage you to get others you know involved to help complete your sponsored child’s pod.

Below is an example of a few children available for sponsorship. You can see the areas that have and have not yet been supported. Due to safety reasons, we can not show you a photo of your sponsored child. However, once your Life9 support begins, you will be able to access secure information via a password protected Lifepod portal.


Kendra, Age 11

As you can see, Kendra has 7 of 9 lifeforce areas sponsored. She is need of 2 areas of support to complete her lifepod, education and transportation. Would you consider stepping up as a Life9 stable support partner, providing lifeforce for a child at Laugh Out Loud?