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The lifeforce is broken down into nine giving areas. Each area is open to anyone to support. These nine areas offer a wide range of stable giving opportunities, from $25 to $227 per month. That means Life9 brings families, organizations, individuals, businesses, and churches together, in unity.

When all nine spots are filled, a complete lifepod is formed. With that, one sponsored child at Laugh Out Loud has all their yearly individual needs met. With this support, your sponsored child can learn, grow, heal, and thrive as you get to witness the redemption of their story.

From here, you can see the specifics of each giving area available for sponsorship. If you already know that you'd like to sponsor a child, feel free to skip ahead at any time to the sponsorship page.


With a support level of $227 per month, you will supply the Food & Nutritional needs for your child.

Due to the effects of mass poverty in Belize, undernourishment is always a concern. When children arrive at LOL, we immediately have a meal prepared for them. While food may satisfy that child’s immediate hunger, it begins to mean much more.

We cannot understate the power that we witness as a renewed sense of stability comes over a child through a meal with their foster family. Food & Nutrition is on the front line of every other level of breakthrough that our children need to become healthy and whole.

The Food & Nutrition sponsorship provides your child with three healthy home-cooked meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) every day. It also includes drinks, snacks, vitamins, and supplements to treat malnutrition or other health-related deficiencies, as needed.

If you, your business or organization would like to join a Lifeforce pod by providing food and stability to an orphan in need, click the link below.


With a support level of $142 per month, you will supply the Educational needs for your child. Many of our children come with abuse wounds from adults, and others come behind in their education.

At LOL, we have the unique advantage of offering both private school and on-campus homeschool, explicitly based on what their learning needs are when they arrive. After high school graduation, we also sponsor our kids pursuing a trade school or college, giving them a unique advantage in adulthood.

We believe that education is critical for our children on two fronts. First, we know that their successful future and the ability to reach their dreams rely on having had an educational foundation and training. Equally important is the establishment of trust with adults.

Many of our kids come with abuse or neglect wounds. A great teacher in the classroom is one of the first places where stability and trust can be regained. This new confidence encourages, heals, and motivates our kids to reach for new heights.

The Education sponsorship provides your child with private schooling, trade school or university assistance, tutoring, books, and school supplies. This might be the perfect category for educators, private schools, and even homeschool organizations to rally around.

If you, your business or organization would like to join a Lifeforce pod by providing the education for an orphan in need, click the link below.


With a support level of $108 per month, you will supply the Shelter & Security needs for your child. With their varied and often painful backgrounds, we can not understate the value they receive from having a roof over their head and a safe place to call home.

Security is a significant concern for us. Many of our children come from dangerous situations, often high-level abuse, neglect, abandonment, or trafficking. These children grow up with a long list of reasons to live in a perpetual state of fear. But, with your support, your sponsored child will be given a place of respite and recovery.

We have taken substantial measures to make LOL a safe place. We have a 24-hour security team that manages our campus entrance and patrols our 50+ acre property. On top of that, all of our fully furnished buildings have rigorous yearly inspections. We design and construct every building to withstand hurricanes and heavy rains, ensuring a safe, warm, and comfortable place to call home. In safety measurements, we are the #1 rated orphanage in all of Belize, and your giving helps sustain that.

The Shelter & Security sponsorship provides your sponsored child with Home Upkeep, Furniture, Housing Maintenance, 24 Hour On-Campus Security, and Inspections.

If you, your business, or organization would like to join a Lifeforce pod by providing the shelter and security for an orphan in need, click the link below.


With a support level of $84 per month, you will supply the Heart & Home needs for your child. The home is like a potter’s wheel, its the place where we are shaped as we grow together, and find belonging.

While the thought of family movie night gives you warm feelings, there is a lot of scientific and developmental research behind why we adjusted our campus as we did. Years ago, we left the institutional model for orphanages in exchange for foster homes. We saw a lack in connection from the family unit and knew we had to change.

LOL foster homes are where our kids find belonging, structure, life skills, and support. It’s cooking a meal, washing clothes, or sitting around the dining room table together, where our kids see life modeled. We’ve designed our foster homes to be organized, clean, and warm. Our foster parents know how to engage, encourage, and support their kids, regardless of their length of the season with us. Once a part of the LOL family, you are always a part of us.

The Heart & Home tier provides your child with Household products, furnishings, toiletries, laundry, internet, phone, and support to explore and pursue extracurricular activities.

If you, your business, or organization would like to join a Lifeforce pod by providing the shelter and security for an orphan in need, click the link below.


With a support level of $73 per month, you will supply the Transportation needs for your child. Because of mass poverty, few people have the advantage of being able to get anywhere with ease.

While you might not see this as an exciting area, it is critical for LOL to function and for our kids to have access to the things that give them some of the most significant advantages in life; like education, medical care, and more.

As you may have read earlier, our kids’ safety is a high priority. Because of their backgrounds, public transportation is not an option. To solve this, LOL has a vehicle fleet, including two buses, for taking the kids to school and on group trips. Our other vehicles are utilized for trips to doctors and dentists visits, extracurricular activities, and even court-related appointments, some of which are 8-hour round trips.

The Transportation sponsorship provides your child with school busing, transportation for valuable opportunities and appointments, as well as the associated fuel costs. This category is the glue that makes many of the other areas to a possibility.

If you, your business or organization would like to join a Lifeforce pod by providing the transportation for an orphan in need, click the link below.


With a support level of $70 per month, you will supply the Electricity needs for your child and light up their world.

While great strides have happened in the past 30 years, access to electricity remains an unaffordable and unstable resource for many in Belize. The LOL campus has secured our own transformer; to protect from the frequent surges that happen, protecting all electronic equipment we possess. We also have homes, well pumps, classrooms, offices, and seven buildings that rely on a safe source of power. 

One of our girls, Benita, used to struggle to stay ahead in school before arriving at LOL. She was bright, but she had an extensive list of tasks to accomplish every day before any learning at home was encouraged. And even at that point, it was usually late in the day, and Benita would have to secure the one shared candle available in her village. So you can imagine how much of an impact a lamp in her life when she arrived at LOL. It changed everything. Years later, Benita is now studying accounting in college.

The Electricity sponsorship provides your child with the power and propane resources needed to live well. If you, your business or organization would like to join a Lifeforce pod by providing the transportation for an orphan in need, click the link below.


With a support level of $59 per month, you will supply your sponsored child’s Medical needs.

As you might imagine, we deal with a wide range of medical needs, physical, nutritional, and emotional. Trauma comes in many forms, but we are fortunate, with your giving, to be able to offer our kids the medical care they need.

Access is sparse, so we regularly have to drive kids to Belize City, an 8-hour round trip, for proper medical care. We have even had to fly kids to the United States in some unique circumstances. While this level of support isn’t providing for an extenuating emergency like that, it is preventing many of them from happening, and it’s allowing them to not only regain their health but keeping them healthy in the process.

Our kids get regular medical checkups and dentist visits. Additionally, our foster parents are involved in ongoing training to support the working out of trauma with their foster kids.

The Medical sponsorship provides your child with access to doctors, dentists, medicine, shots, and counseling. If you, your business, or organization would like to join a Lifeforce pod by providing the medical needs of a child, click the link below.


With a support level of $42 per month, you will supply the Clothing needs for your child.

One of our stances in this regard has been a somewhat controversial one, and that is, that we don’t do hand me downs. Now, that doesn’t mean we don’t accept excellent used clothing donations, because we do. But, as you may have already read early on, we are working to stay aware of the message that we send to our kids.

When we provide sets of clothing and school uniforms that are just for them, it expresses to each child an underlying stamp of value. And no, we aren’t suggesting that we find our worth in material possessions. But, when many of our kids come with just the clothes on their backs, a new outfit matters. If it’s clothes they haven’t seen worn by three other kids on campus before them, it matters. If the clothing is void of holes, stains, and wear, it matters.

We carry the stance that these kids are worthy of valued expressions of care and God’s goodness. And clothing is an expression of that goodness.

When they have grown out of clothing, most of it gets donated to our community here in Belize, which is an extension of the monthly blessing that you provide our kids.

The Clothing tier provides your child with yearly school uniforms, new outfits, shoes, socks, and undergarments. If you, your business, or organization would like to join a Lifeforce pod by providing the clothing needs for one of our children, click the link below.


With $25 per month support, you will supply the Clean Water needs for your sponsored child. Being in the middle of the jungle comes with its challenges. And as you’re about to read, clean water is one of them.

A study by the University of Belize tested the creek water in rural areas. Their study found that “the pH, phosphate, and dissolved oxygen levels were high, but far worse was that the fecal coliform levels were alarmingly high. 

Further analysis for the presence of other indicator organisms such as Salmonella and Shigella revealed that these enteric pathogens were generally present in the creek waters of studied regions. This study suggested that the water bodies are not safe for human consumption, especially during the rainy season.

We have water pumps that provide our homes with water for dishes, laundry, showers, and baths. Drinking water, we are still required to bring in bottled. The reverse osmosis water dramatically reduces the threat due to the potential exposure of pathogens. As you can imagine, that’s a lot of drinking water every month.

The Clean Water sponsorship provides your child with safe and clean drinking water and the water needed for self-care and hygienic use. If you, your business, or organization would like to join a Lifeforce pod by providing the clothing needs for one of our children, click the link below.